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Bender to XYZ Calculator
Version 8 - See why it's now the most powerful bender data to XYZ calculator available anywhere.
Major Features
Calculates centerline XYZ data from BENDER data and bend radii.
Also calculates Military Spec or Conrac-style data with Absolute or Compression bending
Saves and loads data in its own file format or in TubeCalc's file format.
Previews and prints complete reports.
Reports all errors in a Calculation Notification box.
12 Different Data Setups
This is a matrix of all the possible combinations of bender data that can be entered in Bender to XYZ Calculator.
Demo Version
You can download a demo version that outputs randomized XYZ data. The licensed version (purchased) calculates precise XYZ data. The demo version displays "Demo Mode" at the top of the user interface.
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