Benderlink for Faro
Use any model Faro arm using CAM2 software to correct CNC tube benders.
Benderlink to Faro
Links FARO CAM2 to Benders in a Bender Network
Uses FARO data to correct benders
YouTube Video Demo
Teach the CNC Bender to the Correct Part Shape
Correction is like steering a car - the measuring center steers the bender to the correct part shape by transferring corrections through Benderlink
Faster Setup
Each bi-directional transmission with the bender takes only a few seconds and teachs the bender how make the part better than before.
Your setup time is dropped from hours to a few minutes.
Fitting the Gauge Like a Glove
If you're hard gauging, then the part will drop into the gauge faster every time.
And the process actually serves as a cross-check for your inspection process. If the measuring center and the gauge say you're in tolerance, then you have double the assurance that the part is correct.