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August 19, 2024 now measure ROUND SLOTs

Current VTube Version: 4.3.1667 - September 26, 2024


Measuring Tube, Pipe, and Wire
the EASY Way with FARO, HEXAGON Absolute, Kreon, and Revware MicroScribe Arms



The INTEGRATED MEASURING CENTER System - the new VTUBE-iMC System is Here!

We are now offering a completely integrated tube measuring system called the "VTUBE-iMC".  The system includes one of several models of HEXAGON Absolute Arms systems running with VTube-LASER.


Powerful Model-based Definition (MBD)
IMPORT, EXPORT, CONVERT, UNBEND, TUBE MODELS from any solid model package
Use VTube-STEP to import and convert any tube quickly - then send to benders 

Our Products


​​BENDERLINK Electronics

Tube Engineering Software

Convert and Transfer Data


Some of our VTube-LASER customers and their applications are...

  • Aerospace

  • Automotive

  • Heavy

  • HVAC

  • Motorcycle

  • Railroad

Click here to see our Clients List

Our Technologies

Since 1993, Advanced Tubular Technologies has led the market in software innovations for the tube fabrication industry. Many of the ideas in the market today were developed by our collective mind trust.

Click here to see our Product List for more Software Solutions.

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